
How Successful Are You?

Architects (Or Engineers or Contractors) as Business Leaders

Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd

We would like to thank everyone who attended the How Successful Are You? event. We sincerely hope that you found it valuable.

You are an expert in design and project management, but as a business owner how successful are you at marketing, selling or advertising this expertise?  When it comes to marketing, advertising, and sales, not everyone is riding the same definition bus. To each person, each tool might mean something different not be important at all. This workshop will give an up-to-date definition of each tool, as well as describe the way the three interact and play off each other.  Learn how build a strategy successfully implement all three and see the visibility of your firm rise!

Join us as AIA Spokane sponsors OneAEC and brings in expert, Josh King, managing partner of Tinderbox Marketing, to share how marketing, advertising and sales are different and how they're connected and why they are important in our industry.

This program is part of this year's architecture month! Follow AIA Spokane on social media and search #whatanarchitectdoes to follow all of the great events happening in April 2019!

More About Our Presenter

Josh King, the managing partner at Tinderbox Marketing (formerly Tinderbox Consulting), has been practicing public speaking since his days in college. A ride in the way-back-machine gives insight into Josh’s speaker resume. Josh has been practicing public speaking since his days at Western Washington University as an Instructor Assistant in the Communication Studies department. Take that experience and add Josh’s expertise and passion for marketing and sales, and you have one of the more energized and passionate voices.

Thank you to our sponsor!

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How Successful Are You?