OneAEC invites you to participate in sponsoring an upcoming meeting, seminar, or social networking event. Sponsorships are a great tool for advertising your business, while also supporting OneAEC.
Foundation Sponsor - $500 (only one offered at this level): Company name and logo on invitation and online event registration page; link to company website on event page; recognition and mention on social media posts; premier placement of logo on event signage; verbal recognition and acknowledgment at the event; 3-5 minutes at the event to address the audience and tell them about your company; display information about your company, products and services at the event
Supporting Sponsor - $250 (multiple available): company name or logo mentioned in event information and online registration; logo on event signage; verbal recognition at event; opportunity to distribute company brochure
Contributing Sponsor - $100 (multiple available): company name mentioned in event information and online registration; recognition on event signage as a contributing sponsor; verbal recognition at event