We would like to thank everyone who attended the Planners Panel event. We sincerely hope that you found it valuable.
Please join us for a panel discussion on the trends local planners are seeing in Spokane from commercial to residential projects and where the growth is happening from each of their entity’s perspective.
- City of Spokane - Tami Palmquist, Principal Planner
- City of Spokane Valley - Jenny Nickerson, Director of Planning and Engineering
- City of Liberty Lake - Lisa Key, Director of Planning & Engineering
- City of Airway Heights - Heather Trautman, Principal Planner
- Tami Palmquist, City of Spokane -- bio coming soon!
- Jenny Nickerson City of Spokane Valley - Jenny Nickerson, City of Spokane Valley Building Official, joined the City in 2013. Her experience includes both governmental and private sector positions related to Building & Fire Codes, Planning & Zoning, and Economic Development throughout the Pacific Northwest. She has served as vice president of the Idaho Association of Building Officials and maintains an active role in local, State, and national code organizations. Jenny earned the highest level of International Code Council Certification; Master Code Professional, and was the first woman in the Western United States to achieve the certification.
- Lisa Key, City of Liberty Lake - Lisa Key offers over 35 years of multidisciplinary planning and project management experience, with a background that includes extensive experience in infrastructure and environmental planning, economic development, and land use planning. The breadth of her background enables her to easily bridge disciplines and manage complex projects effectively. Lisa is well versed in transportation and infrastructure planning, including transportation access studies, comprehensive and strategic transportation plan development, and was responsible for implementing the first transportation concurrency system in Idaho. She served as project manager for a multimillion dollar downtown revitalization effort in the City of Hayden, Idaho, encompassing a 2 mile corridor in the City’s central business district. Her environmental project management experience includes the siting of a new landfill in Broome County, New York, the completion of the environmental impact statement for that landfill, and the acquisition of land necessary to develop the landfill. Through the course of her career, Lisa has secured and/or administered over $35 million in local, state and federal grants for a variety of community development, economic development, active transportation, infrastructure, and parks projects, and solid waste management programs and facilities. Lisa has served in her current role with the City of Liberty Lake since 2018. She served as the Planning Director for the City of Spokane from 2015 to 2018. Prior to that position, she served as a Project Manager with David Evans and Associates, and Community Development Director for the City of Hayden.
- Heather Trautman, City of Airway Heights -- Heather Trautman is the Principal Planner for the City of Airway Heights, one fastest growing communities in Eastern Washington. She is a servant leader and planner with 30 years of experience working for municipal and county governments in Central and Eastern Washington. She has extensive experience in community engagement, program development, land use, transportation and environmental planning.
For non-members, we are offering refunds until Tuesday, March 8th. For more information, please contact Terri McRae at tmcrae@alscarchitects.com.
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