We would like to thank everyone who attended the Proposal Writing Panel event. We sincerely hope that you found it valuable.
Please join us as we host a panel discussion on the Do’s and Don’ts of Proposal Writing/Deliverables on February 10, 2022. Hear from owners and consultants who help firms put together proposals on some of the do's and don’ts in proposal writing. Our moderator, Andrea Frye with FryeDay Consulting, will ask our panelists questions such as:
- Describe what you look for first and most when scoring proposals/qualifications?
- How important are powerful cover letters based on your experience?
- Top mistakes firms make on their submittals'
- Tips from the best proposals you’ve seen'
- Based on your perspective, how critical is it to have a local team vs. experience?
- Quezada Consulting - Melissa Quezada
- Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) - Amanda LaMott, Project Manager
- WSDOT Eastern Region - Michael Gribner, Regional Administrator
- City of Spokane - Kyle Twohig, Director of Engineering Services
THANK YOU TO OUR MEETING SPONSOR - Bernardo Wills Architects

- Andrea Frye, FryeDay -- bio coming soon!
- Melissa Quezda, Quezda Consulting -- bio coming soon!
- Amanda Lamott, LHTAC -- bio coming soon!
- Michael Gribner, WSDOT Eastern Region -- bio coming soon!
- Kyle Twohig, City of Spokane -- bio coming soon!
For non-members, we are offering refunds until Tuesday, February 8th. For more information, please contact Terri McRae at tmcrae@alscarchitects.com.
OneAEC adheres to WA State's, L&I Requirements and Guidance for Preventing COVID-19. For more information please see https://www.lni.wa.gov/forms-publications/F414-164-000.pdf